Assam will convert the biodegradable waste into compost using the pipe composting method.


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Assam’s Sachhe Seva campaign promotes pipe composting in rural areas, using PVC pipes to convert biodegradable waste into odorless, space-efficient compost, improving schools, the environment and student education. There is benefit.

Only degradable waste, including food scraps, fruit and vegetable peels, flowers, dung, agricultural waste, etc., can be put into the pipes.
Only degradable waste, including food scraps, fruit and vegetable peels, flowers, dung, agricultural waste, etc., can be put into the pipes.

Assam is actively promoting pipe composting in its rural communities during the ongoing Suchhata Seva campaign, which validates a technology that is simple and effective for household-level biodegradable waste disposal.

The District Water and Sanitation Committee of Assam’s Biswanath district has been promoting pipe composting as a biodegradable waste management method in schools for lunch waste generated for a long time. District officials thoughtfully installed two pipes at Charyali Majalia ME School under Seva 2023 programme.

Pipe composting technology is a method of converting organic waste into compost using PVC pipes of 8 – 10 inch diameter and 1.25 meter length.

The pipes are placed vertically in the ground at a distance of 25-30 cm.

Only degradable waste, including food scraps, fruit and vegetable peels, flowers, dung, agricultural waste, etc., can be put into the pipes.

Once in two weeks, a little cow dung and dry leaves mixed with water are added inside to promote the growth of insects. It should remain closed so that rainwater does not enter the pipes. The compost can be piped out after 2 months.

Some of the benefits of pipe composting are – It converts biodegradable waste into compost in a short time without harming the environment. It helps in maintaining a clean and healthy environment in the school campus. It is odorless and fly proof. And it’s space efficient.

Moreover, the system is sustainable as the same pipe can be used over and over again. Further, it provides students with an opportunity to learn about the science and ecology of decomposition, the role of microorganisms and invertebrates, and the importance of waste management and sustainability.

First Published: 28 Sep 2023, 15:01 IST

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