Deteriorating air quality in Delhi makes it difficult to survive, court said socio-cultural activities cannot be neglected


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A panel headed by Justice Suresh Kumar Keit stressed the need for a system to ensure that these activities are carried out in a controlled manner, minimizing damage to the environment. .

Delhi's air quality makes it difficult to survive in Delhi (Image courtesy: Freepik)
Delhi’s air quality makes it difficult to survive in Delhi (Image courtesy: Freepik)

The Delhi High Court has recognized the importance of clean air and healthy environment for human survival while allowing Ramlila celebrations at Janakpuri. However, he also emphasized the importance of socio-cultural activities in society, highlighting that they are an integral part of human coexistence.

The court acknowledged concerns about pollution, traffic congestion and damage to trees during such events held in parks. To address these issues, the court led by Justice Suresh Kumar Keit stressed the need to establish a regulatory mechanism to ensure that such programs are conducted without harming the environment.

The court clarified that it does not advocate banning certain activities but calls for regulated, environmentally responsible implementation. Underscoring Delhi’s acute air quality problems, it highlights the need for collective efforts. In the case of the Ram Leela Committee, they challenged the earlier ban on public celebrations at a specific location, citing 30 years of Dussehra celebrations with proper permissions and environmental compliance from the DDA.

The Court noted that the disputed territory was “Multipurpose land“According to the approved Delhi Master Plan 2021. It clarified that a nearby district park was exclusively for park activities with no ceremony allowed. The court ordered the appellants to hold Dussehra/Ramleela celebrations in 2023. The existing conservation on the plot was emphasized while granting permission to host.Greenery and no damage to it, the permission has been extended till 30th October 2023.

The court clarified that the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) and the Deputy Conservator of Forests were earlier given permission by a judge to plant trees in the area and improve its appearance for the benefit of the residents of the colony. Did not intend to interrupt the instructions.

The court also highlighted the urgent need to address air quality concerns in Delhi and stressed that it is not only the responsibility of government agencies but the duty of every individual to contribute to the city’s conservation and nature. Be an active defender.

First Published: 06 Oct 2023, 09:45 IST

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