Flowers from Puerto Rico – Bagicha Bazaar



It’s been a while since we visited the beautiful Puerto Rican garden Antigonum Cajan (filling a small garden with diversity). Today we’re looking at some more photos of this little garden space that’s full of incredible biodiversity.

Various shrubs and vines are growing in a fence.One of the secrets to making the most of a small garden space is to grow things—vines and shrubs around the garden to fill every inch with life.

View of Plumaria from abovePlumeria They are native to tropical America but are widely grown in warm climates around the world for their beautiful and incredibly fragrant flowers.

Plumeria with pink flowersTake a closer look at the pink-flowered plumeria

A garden wall with pink flowers growing on it.On top of this garden wall is a rubber vine (Cryptostegia Grand Flora), which is native to Madagascar and combines deep glossy green foliage with stunning pink flowers. A cactus growing through a vine looks like it could be a dragon fruit (Selenicereus undatus).

Pink rubber vine flowerTake a closer look Cryptostegia grandiflora the flower

Close up of pale pink and yellow plumeria flowersHere’s another beautiful plumeria, its soft pink shading with a yellow center. In their native climate, plumerias tend to be dormant and drop all or most of their leaves in the cooler months, then push out new leaves and flowers as the weather warms. Here you can see new flowers and fresh new leaves emerging together.

Close up of deep pink gloriosa lilygloriosa lily (Gloriosa Superbomb) comes from the tropics and southern Africa and grows as a small vine with these incredible flowers.

plumaria with yellow flowersThe fresh foliage and flowers of this plumeria look wonderful on the back of a vine-covered fence.

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