5 Coffee Changes to Help You Lose Weight


You can enjoy your coffee by exploring different ways in which the drink can be made.  (Photo courtesy of Freepik)
You can enjoy your coffee by exploring different ways in which the drink can be made. (Photo courtesy of Freepik)

Starting the day with a steaming cup of coffee is a favorite ritual for many, but adding milk and sugar can turn that morning delight into a calorie-laden roadblock to weight loss.

However, fear not, as your daily cup of coffee can turn into a powerful ally in your weight loss journey.

Let’s explore some innovative ways to enjoy coffee while keeping those calories down.

1) Black coffee (0 calories) The easiest and most effective way to kick your coffee habit for weight gain is to drink it black. Black coffee is virtually calorie-free and can actually boost your metabolism. Add a spoonful of your favorite coffee to hot water, avoiding any cream, sugar or sweeteners.

2) Cinnamon coffee- For those who like a bit of flavor, cinnamon coffee is a great choice. A dash of cinnamon not only adds flavor but also helps regulate blood glucose levels, which can aid in weight loss. Additionally, cinnamon coffee offers the added benefits of burning fat and improving arterial health.

3) Dark Chocolate Delight- If you want to lose weight, consider adding dark chocolate to your coffee. Dark chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants and when combined with coffee can help curb hunger. This delightful pairing allows you to indulge your sweet tooth while still on the path to weight loss.

4) Dark Lemon Coffee- A modern and health-conscious option is dark lemon coffee. It’s a simple recipe made by mixing a shot of hot espresso with half a lemon. Rich in vitamin C and citric acid, lemons play an important role in burning fat and speeding up metabolism. Meanwhile, caffeine boosts energy levels, making it a great choice for those trying to lose weight.

5) Skip sugar and cream- If you can’t imagine your coffee without a little creaminess, choose wisely. Avoid sugar and cream, as they can significantly increase your calorie intake. Instead, use low-fat milk, almond milk, oat milk, or minimal amounts of natural sweeteners. These choices will help you maintain a moderate calorie count and stay on track with your weight loss goals.

By adopting these variations, you can enjoy your favorite cup of joe without worrying about extra calories. Whether you prefer it black, spiced with cinnamon, rich with dark chocolate, or given a zesty twist with lemon, your coffee can be an enjoyable and guilt-free part of your daily routine when You work towards your weight loss goals.

First Published: 28 Sep 2023, 11:25 IST


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