Episode 127: Plants for the Worst of Winter



Like the United States Postal Service, these plants won’t let rain, sleet, or driving snow keep them from getting through the worst of winter. It can be hard to find plants that can look two months of dry winds in the eye and laugh—or sit in a frozen puddle for four months and not rot. We decided to sing the praises of these perennials and woodys that will take whatever January, February and March take and come out the other side. Tune in to this episode to learn about plants that really rise to the challenge of enduring the worst winter conditions on the chin.

Expert Guest: Mayne Newcomer is a native Idahoan who gardens, gardens, and writes about gardening in the Intermountain West..

Daniel’s plants

'Ninja Stars' Epimedium
‘Ninja Stars’ Epimedium

‘Ninja Stars’ Epimedium (Epimedium (‘Ninja Stars’, Zones 4-9)

Leather Leaf and Burnam

Leather Leaf Verbena (Viburnum rhytidophyllumzones 5-8).

'Blue Chip' Juniper
‘Blue Chip’ Juniper

‘Blue Chip’ Juniper (Junipers horizontal ‘Blue Chip’, Zones 3-9)

'Biokovo' Hardy Geranium
‘Biokovo’ Hardy Geranium

‘Biokovo’ hardy geranium (Geranium cantabrigensis ‘Biokovo’, zones 5-8).

Carroll plants

Smooth blue Easter winter seed heads
Smooth blue Easter summer flowers
Link to Bill Carter’s article on starting perennials from seed from issue 168.
Smooth blue Easter winter seed heads
Smooth blue Easter winter seed heads

Smooth Blue Easter (Symphyotrichum leavezones 3-8).

Golden Scots Pine at the Toronto Botanical Garden
Golden Scots Pine at the Toronto Botanical Garden

Golden Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris ‘Oriya’, zones 3-7).

'Caesar's Brother' Siberian Iris
‘Caesar’s Brother’ Siberian Iris

Siberian Iris (Iris sibericazones 3-9).
Specialist plants German bearded iris (Iris x Germany cvs., zones 3-10).

European Snowball Verbena (Photo: Courtesy of Mary Ann Newcomer)
European Snowball Verbena (Photo: Courtesy of Mary Ann Newcomer)

European Snowball Verbenum (Viburnum opulus ‘Rosium’, Zones 3-8) ‘Autumn Glow’ Serviceberry (Amelincheer × Grand Flora ‘Autumn Glow’, Zones 4-9)

'Blue Shag' Eastern White Pine and German Iris cultivar (Photo: Courtesy of Mary Ann Newcomer)
‘Blue Shag’ Eastern White Pine and German Iris cultivar (Photo: Courtesy of Mary Ann Newcomer)

‘Blue Shag’ Eastern white pine (Pinus strobes (‘Blue Shag’, Zones 3-8)



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