Looking back at an old garden.



Today Joe is sharing his former garden with us.

This was the garden I created at my first home in central Michigan over a decade ago.

Front yard with no landscape plants.That’s how it started — not much there, and the house needed a lot of work, too. It was fun to start with a blank slate, but a lot of work.

Front garden with new path and lawnA year later, the house looked better, but I still had a lot to do with the gardening.

Nearby is a mass planting of purple campanula with red and white flowersA large mass of Campanula carpitica (Zones 4-9) looked amazing and bloomed almost non-stop. But these turned out to be very short-lived perennials, and died out.

Front steps surrounded by tulips and other bulbs in springI love bulbs, so lots of tulips and daffodils added color to the front garden in spring.

Close up of bright purple anemoneIn the shady part of the garden, air flowers (Anemone blenda, Zones 4-8) Spring bulbs follow the flowering scheme.

A small but densely planted gardenI planted a lot in these front beds in early summer. Dense planting means less room for weeds to grow!

Pink flowers paired with green leavesOne combination that I loved was Cardon’s silver leaves. (Cynara cardunculus, Z5-9), dark fine leaves of bronze fennel (Phoeniculum vulgare, Zones 4-9) and ornamental onions (Alem Christophe, Zones 5-8).

Various pink, white and yellow flowers in the gardenThis was not planned. A bed in the back where I planted plants I wasn’t sure what to do with sometimes looked better than my intentional gardens!

Pink and white petunias line the front walkwayOld-fashioned petunias line the front walk. I love their loose growth habit that fills in and allows different colors to blend together.

Have a garden you’d like to share?

Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a special collection of your favorite plants, or a wonderful garden you’ve had the chance to see!

To submit, send 5-10 photos. [email protected] Along with some information about the plants in the photos and where you took the photos. We’d love to know where you’re located, how long you’ve been gardening, accomplishments you’re proud of, failures you’ve learned from, hopes for the future, favorite plants, or your garden quirks. funny stories

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