A perfect morning in Johanna’s garden



This is Johanna in Aiken, South Carolina. I had a different set of photos that I was planning to submit, but when I woke up this morning to such a beautiful view from my windows, I grabbed my phone and tried to capture the beauty I was seeing. was

A path shaded by round bushesThis photo is from the front road, and since it was morning, the playful shadows and shapes reminded me Alice through the looking glass.

Two front garden beds with herbaceous plantsThis image shows the lagstrom. (Ligustrum japonicum, zones 7–10) in the background throughout the flower.

A bird's nest in a treeIn this photo you can see the nest from our back door. This is where my husband and I saw a pair of mockingbirds nesting.

Here again you can see the ligustrum in bloom with the false cypress in the background. (Chamispirus pacificera, zones 4-8) and Unimus (Zones 5-9).

Closure of opening two lagstromsHere’s a close-up view of the lagstrom in bloom. Although often thought of as a foliage or hedging plant, ligustrum can flower profusely, and the flowers are quite fragrant.

I wish I was a better photographer, but I hope I captured some of the beauty of the day. Thank you, and happy gardening everyone.

Have a garden you’d like to share?

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