Alice’s Ontario Garden – Bagicha Bazaar



We are in Sweaburg, Ontario, meeting with Alice Fleurkens. We’ve been to her garden before (Alice’s front garden in Canada) so if you want to see more, check out the previous posts.

Rock garden with creeping evergreensThis is the first year in almost six years that I have been able to garden again. It is very pleasant to watch the garden grow.

Various shrubs in the garden bedThese shrubs now require heavy pruning every year. and Siberian Iris (Iris sibericaZones 4–8) has found itself in a place where I don’t really want it, so it will have to go later.

Close-up of deep red coral bellsOh, how I love coral bells. (Hechira hybrids, zones 4-8), although ants are attacking them right and left. It seems to be their favorite plant for building ant hills.

Mulched garden bedsA lady gave me some golden orange hatchera. It’s a little smaller this year, but coming along.

Front yard garden with large boulders around the edgeThis grass was also given to me. (Sorry, I don’t know the name of something.) We had a huge pine tree in front of our basement window and decided we wanted to get rid of it, so my husband very cleverly cut it down himself. .

Garden bed in front yard with bird bathThis garden goes down the hill. I’ve planted a few more weeds in it, and the bleeding hearts are doing fantastic. They had to be covered with a blanket a week ago because we had a frost, and they froze in other years and damaged the hostas and lilies as well. They didn’t die. They looked ugly for a while.

Close to a garden bed with lots of plantsThere is no mulch in the garden yet. But maybe we will still mulch or maybe not. We are indecisive. It is expensive.

A wide view of the garden bedMore hatcheries add color to the garden.

Foundation garden beds with small plantsThere was another cedar in a corner by the door, but it was bumping into the ceiling and didn’t look very good, so that’s gone too. A good host is more. Miscanthus Grass, which doesn’t seem to do very well.

Have a garden you’d like to share?

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