Doctors at the Indian Fertility Society conference say AI can increase the success rate of IVF treatments


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Artificial intelligence (AI) can improve accuracy, timeliness and monitoring in IVF treatment, thereby improving success rates. This was discussed at a conference of the Indian Fertility Society (IFS) on Sunday.

Doctors at IFS conference say AI could improve IVF treatment (Image courtesy: Freepik)
Doctors at IFS conference say AI could improve IVF treatment (Image courtesy: Freepik)

AI has the potential to increase accuracy, efficiency and monitoring of IVF treatment, ultimately leading to increased success rates. This topic was the focus of discussion during a recent conference organized by Indian Fertility Society (IFS) on Sunday.

What do the authorities say about this? AI can increase the success rate of IVF treatment.

IFS Vice President Dr. Geeta Khanna discussed the growing importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the IVF treatment arena. He highlighted that AI in IVF can play a vital role in selecting the best combination of eggs and sperm as well as predicting embryo quality. AI can help clinicians customize treatment plans tailored to individual patients, thereby increasing the likelihood of success.

IFS President Dr. Kuldeep Nair emphasized that the quality of female gametes is closely related to factors like follicle size, egg shape and other important characteristics. Similarly, sperm quality is associated with factors such as morphology, concentration, and motility. AI can eliminate the subjective human element in the gamete selection process, providing unbiased evaluations.

In the post-Covid era, medical experts have observed a decline in both egg quality and quantity among women under the age of 27, IFS General Secretary Dr Sarvin Ghamman pointed out. Additionally, CoVID-19 has had a detrimental effect on sperm quality in men. Dr. Ghman noted that lifestyle-related conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid disorders, and late marriages are the main causes of infertility and high-risk pregnancies.

What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization, commonly known as IVF, is a groundbreaking reproductive technology that has revolutionized the field of assisted reproductive medicine. IVF is a sophisticated procedure that offers hope and opportunity to individuals and couples struggling with infertility or facing reproductive challenges. By enabling the creation of embryos outside of the human body, IVF has opened the door to parenthood for countless individuals who might otherwise have been unable to conceive naturally.

This remarkable process involves the controlled manipulation of eggs and sperm in a laboratory setting, which ultimately leads to the formation of embryos that can be implanted in the uterus, leading to the possibility of a successful pregnancy. In this introduction, we will review the key components, processes and developments associated with in vitro fertilization, highlighting how this remarkable technology has changed the landscape of reproductive medicine.

First Published: 03 Oct 2023, 12:16 IST

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