Episode 126: Winter Stunners – Bagicha Bazaar



The winter blues are definitely setting in around here. But thankfully we have some plants outside that have saved their best for last. Today Carol and Daniel are talking about winter stunners—trees, shrubs, and even a subshrub that looks so beautiful in January and February, you’ll forget it’s technically “off season.” . Whether your winters are mild and wet, cold and dry, or you live where it snows seemingly every day, we have some options that will help liven up the landscape.

Expert Guest: Michelle Faraznik is the Chief Executive Officer of the American Public Gardens Association. She lives and gardens in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Daniel’s plants

'Wintergold' white fir
‘Wintergold’ white fir

‘Wintergold’ white fur (Abies concolor ‘Wintergold’, Zones 3-8)

'Goldilocks' Japanese white pine
‘Goldilocks’ Japanese white pine

‘Goldilocks’ Japanese white pine (Pinus parviflora (‘Goldilocks’, Zones 5-7)

Blue Cedar Cedar
Blue Cedar Cedar

Blue Cedar Cedar (Cedrus deodara cv., zones 6b-9).

‘Divinely Blue’ or ‘Felen’ Blue’

Coral bark maple
Coral bark maple

Coral bark maple (Acer palmatum (‘Sango Cacao’, Zones 5-9)

Carroll plants

American Beach
American Beach

American Beach (Fagus grandifoliazones 3-9).

Red Ozier Dogwood

Red osier dogwood (Cornus sericeazones 3-7).

Japanese Stewartia
Japanese Stewartia
Japanese Stewartia
Japanese Stewartia

Japanese stewartia (Stewartia pseudo-camelliazones 5-8).

Star magnolia, winter branches
Star magnolia, winter branches
Star magnolia, flower buds
Star magnolia, flower buds
Star magnolia, spring flower
Star magnolia, spring flower

star magnolia (Magnolia stellatazones 4-8).

Specialist plants

'Panchito' Manzanita
‘Panchito’ Manzanita

‘Panchito’ Manzanita (Arctostaphylos × coloradensis ‘Pinchito’, zones 4b–8).

Baby Blue Rabbit Brush (Credit: Michelle Farznik)
Baby Blue Rabbit Brush (Credit: Michelle Farznik)

rabbit brush (Chrysothamnus spp and cvs., zones 4–9).

Red Ozier / Twig Dogwood

Red Ozier/Red Tog Dogwood (Cornus sericeazones 3-7).

Kentucky Cafe (Credit: Michelle Farznik)
Kentucky Cafe (Credit: Michelle Farznik)

Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus Dioxzones 3-8).



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