Guide to Buy Cheap Weed Killing Fungicides at Best Price


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the top 15 best fungicides in India. You’re in the right place if you’re a gardener, farmer, or someone who cares about plant health. Fungicides protect plants from fungal diseases that can hinder their growth and productivity. In this guide, we’ll explore various effective fungicides available in India. Not only will you discover the best options for your needs, but we’ll also help you find them at affordable prices. Say goodbye to worries about fungal infections in your plants – let’s dive into the world of top-quality, budget-friendly fungicides.

A farmer with a mist fogger sprayer sprays fungicide and pesticide on potato bushes

A Beginner’s Guide to Fungicides: What You Need to Know

A fungicide is a chemical or biological agent used to control and prevent the growth of fungi in plants. These fungi can cause diseases that harm plants and reduce yields. Fungicides work by inhibiting fungal growth or killing the already present fungi. They are essential for farmers and gardeners to protect their crops and plants. Fungicides come in various forms, including sprays, powders, and granules, and they target specific types of fungi.

Top 15 Best Fungicides in India: Protecting Your Plants from Fungal Diseases

Agriventure Tebcon, Tebsulph, Tropical Tagmycin, FMC Gezeko, UPL Cuprofix, Bayer Nativo, Counter Plus, Crystal Bavistin, Azotebuc, Tata Rallis Sarthak, Katyayani Azozole, and Tata Rallis Master are all available at a discount. Tebcon is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide with a 26% discount, Tebsulph is water-dispersible granules with a 36% discount, and Tropical Tagmycin is a bactericide with a 34% discount.

FMC Gezeko is a systemic fungicide with Tebuconazole and Trifloxystobin, while UPL Cuprofix is ideal for grapes. Counter Plus is a systemic triazole fungicide with Hexaconazole, and Crystal Bavistin is effective against Downy Mildew. Other fungicides include Tata Rallis Sarthak, Katyayani Azozole, and Tata Rallis Master.

Choosing the Right Fungicide: A Quick Overview

  • Identify the Fungal Disease: First, diagnose the specific fungal disease affecting your plants. Different fungicides target different fungi, so knowing the culprit is essential.
  • Fungicide Type: Fungicides come in various forms, including sprays, powders, and granules. Choose the type that suits your application method and plant type.
  • Active Ingredients: Check the active ingredients. Tebuconazole, Mancozeb, and Azoxystrobin are common components with different spectrums of control.
  • Crop Compatibility: Ensure the fungicide is safe for your crops or plants. Some fungicides may harm certain species.
  • Application Timing: Follow the recommended application timing to maximize effectiveness.
  • Resistance Management: Rotate fungicides with different modes of action to prevent fungal resistance.

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Spraying insecticides in the field

Agriventure Fungicides: Effective and Affordable Solutions

  • Agriventure Tebcon is a highly effective and affordable systemic fungicide designed to combat various fungal diseases in crops. It contains Tebuconazole at a concentration of 25.9% EC, making it a potent solution for disease management.
  • This broad-spectrum fungicide suits various crops, including rice, chilies, groundnuts, fruits, vegetables, and other fields. It offers a protective, curative, and eradicative action against fungi, inhibiting their reproduction and growth.
  • One of Tebcon’s key advantages is its versatility. It can be used preventively and curatively, providing flexibility in disease control. Additionally, Tebcon is compatible with most insecticides and other fungicides, allowing for integrated pest management.
  • Tebcon is environmentally friendly, posing no harm to mammals or beneficial insects. It even exhibits positive phytotoxic effects in different crops, enhancing the harvest’s quality and quantity.
  • A dosage of 25-30 ml of Agriventure Tebcon in 15 liters of water is recommended for application.

Tropical Tagmycin: A Bactericide for Plant Disease Control

  • Tropical Tagmycin is a potent bactericide designed to control bacterial diseases in plants effectively. This broad-spectrum chemical bactericide combines Streptomycin Sulphate and Tetracycline Hydrochloride in a ratio of 90:10 SP, making it a powerful tool for disease management.
  • Tagmycin is particularly effective after an infected crop, showcasing strong curative action against plant bacterial infections. It targets diseases such as bacterial leaf blight of rice, bacterial leaf spot, angular leaf spot, and stem canker.
  • This versatile bactericide can be used on various crops, including rice, wheat, apple, cotton, pulses, cauliflower, and oilseeds. For application, a recommended 6-12 grams dosage should be mixed with 60 liters of water per acre.

FMC Gezeko: Broad Spectrum Fungicide for Crop Protection

  • FMC Gezeko is a potent broad-spectrum systemic fungicide, combining Tebuconazole at 50% and Trifloxystrobin at 25% in a water-dispersible granule (WG) form. This fungicide offers robust protection for various crops, making it an invaluable tool for crop protection.
  • Its mode of action is twofold: Trifloxystrobin disrupts the respiration cycle of fungi, while Tebuconazole hinders the construction of the fungal cell wall. This dual approach ensures comprehensive disease control.
  • FMC Gezeko is recommended for several crops, including paddy, tomatoes, grapes, chilies, wheat, and mangoes. It effectively manages powdery mildew, early blight, anthracnose, and more.
  • Notably, it excels in grape cultivation and effectively combats powdery mildew. This fungicide offers excellent penetration and redistribution within plants, providing flexibility in application timing.
  • For instance, in grapes, a dosage of 70 grams in 200 liters of water is recommended, with a waiting period of 34 days.

UPL Cuprofix: Fungicide for Grapes and More

  • UPL Cuprofix is a versatile and efficient fungicide designed for grape cultivation. This unique formulation combines two essential active ingredients, Mancozeb and Copper sulfate, in a wettable granule form.
  • Cuprofix operates as a contact fungicide, offering exceptional control over a wide spectrum of economically significant fungal and bacterial diseases that affect various crops when applied as a protective spray. Its multi-site action is particularly effective against fungal and bacterial infections. It is an excellent choice for resistance management programs, especially combating diseases like downy mildew and late blight.
  • For grape growers, Cuprofix proves invaluable, addressing critical issues such as anthracnose, downy mildew, and powdery mildew. A recommended dosage of 2 kilograms per acre ensures optimal disease control.

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Gardener in a protective suit spraying Insecticides in a farm

Bayer Nativo: WG Fungicide for Plant Health

  • Bayer Nativo is a powerful fungicide presented in water-dispersible granule (WG) form, featuring a combination of Tebuconazole at 50% and Trifloxystrobin at 25% in its chemical composition. Bayer CropScience Ltd, a reputable manufacturer, produces this effective formulation.
  • Designed to enhance plant health and protect against a variety of diseases, Bayer Nativo has proven its worth across several crops, including rice, tomatoes, grapes, mangoes, wheat, and chilies. It protects against sheath blight, leaf and neck blasts, glume discoloration, early blight, powdery mildew, anthracnose, alternaria leaf spot, and yellow rust.
  • Application is straightforward, with recommended dosages ranging from 70 to 140 grams per acre, depending on the crop and disease severity. Bayer Nativo is applied as a spray and is compatible with sticking agents for better adhesion.

Counter Plus: Triazole Fungicide for Broad-Spectrum Action

  • Counter Plus is a highly effective systemic triazole fungicide featuring Hexaconazole as its active ingredient at 5% concentration. Produced by Hifield-AG Chem India Pvt Ltd, this fungicide provides broad-spectrum action against various fungal pathogens, including ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, and fungi imperfecti.
  • One of its key modes of action is inhibiting ergosterol biosynthesis, which hampers the growth and reproduction of plant fungal pathogens. Counter Plus is invaluable for controlling various diseases in cereals, oilseeds, and horticultural and plantation crops. It is particularly efficient against diseases like powdery mildew, sheath blight, rust, leaf spot, brown spot, and stem rot.
  • The application is simple, with a recommended dosage of 2 milliliters per liter of water. Counter Plus is known for its reliability in disease control, contributing to healthier crops and improved yields.

Crystal Bavistin: Systemic Fungicide for Crop Protection

  • Crystal Bavistin, with its active ingredient Carbendazim at a concentration of 50% WP, is a renowned systemic fungicide known for its curative and preventative control measures in farming.
  • This broad-spectrum systemic fungicide is highly effective against many pathogenic fungi. It is a specific and reliable choice for controlling important plant pathogens across various crops, ornamental plants, and plantation crops.
  • Bavistin’s mode of action involves absorption by the plant, which actively targets and inhibits the growth of fungal pathogens. It protects against collar rot, damping off, root rot, wilts, black leg, tip burn, and black spots.
  • Application is straightforward, with a recommended dosage of 2 grams per liter of water. Bavistin ensures the health and vitality of crops by effectively managing fungal diseases, ultimately leading to improved yields and plant protection.

Agriventure Azotebuc: Combining Azoxystrobin and Tebuconazole

  • Agriventure Azotebuc is a potent fungicide combining two active ingredients: Azoxystrobin at 11% and Tebuconazole at 18.3% in a soluble concentrate (SC) formulation.
  • This broad-spectrum fungicide is recommended for use on paddy crops to combat sheath blight and on chili plants to control powdery mildew, root rot, and dieback. However, due to its broad-spectrum activity, it proves effective against various fungal diseases affecting different crops.
  • Azotebuc belongs to the strobilurin and triazole groups of chemistry, providing a dual mode of action against tough fungal diseases. It offers longer residual action and is compatible with commonly used insecticides and fungicides. Azotebuc’s combination of these powerful molecules has not shown any reported resistance in India. The recommended application rate is 20 ml of Azotebuc mixed with 15 liters of water.

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Top 15 Best Fungicides in India

Tata Rallis Sarthak: Fungicide for Potato and Chilli Crops

  • Tata Rallis Sarthak is a fungicide formulated with Kresoxim-Methyl at 15% and Chlorothalonil at 56%.
  • Kresoxim-Methyl belongs to the strobilurin group of chemicals and inhibits electron transport in fungal cell mitochondria, disrupting ATP formation, which is crucial for fungal metabolic processes. On the other hand, Chlorothalonil is a multi-site inhibitor that affects various enzymes and metabolic processes in fungi. It also hinders spore germination and damages fungal cell membranes.
  • This fungicide is primarily used in potato and chili crops to combat leaf spots, blight, and mildew symptoms. Application should begin as soon as signs of infestation are detected, with subsequent sprays at 10-15 days, depending on disease severity.
  • The recommended dosage is 200-300 grams per acre or 1-2 grams per liter of water. Tata Rallis Sarthak is an effective solution for managing fungal diseases in potato and chili crops.

Katyayani Azozole: Dual Systemic Broad-Spectrum Fungicide

Katyayani Azozole is a dual systemic broad-spectrum fungicide that contains Azoxystrobin at 18.2% and Difenoconazole at 11.4% in a suspension concentrate form (SC). This fungicide exhibits systemic activity against major plant pathogens and is highly effective for disease control. It is recommended for managing various diseases in different crops, including:

Chilli Anthracnose and powdery mildew
Tomato Early blight and late blight
Paddy (Rice) Blast and sheath blight
Maize Blight and downy mildew
Wheat Rust and powdery mildew
Cotton Leaf spot and grey mildew
Turmeric Leaf blotch, leaf spot, and rhizome rot
Onion Purple blotch, Stemphylium blight, and downy mildew
Sugarcane Red rot, smut, and rust

It’s essential to exercise caution when using this product. Avoid spraying during windy or rainy weather and ensure sufficient moisture in the soil. The application should be made when crops are infested with the specified diseases.

Tata Rallis Master: Effective Fungicide Against Downy Mildew

Tata Rallis Master is a potent fungicide formulated as a wettable powder containing Mancozeb at 64% and Metalaxyl at 8%. This combination fungicide is particularly effective against downy mildew in various crops, primarily focusing on grapes. It also serves as tool in managing late blight in potatoes and tomatoes, onion blotch, and damping-off in crops like tobacco and cardamom.

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chemical fertilizer

The recommended dosage for application is 2 grams per liter of water. This product’s efficacy in combating downy mildew makes it an essential choice for farmers seeking to protect their crops from this destructive fungal disease. Tata Rallis Master is a reliable solution for maintaining crop health and safeguarding yield against the detrimental effects of downy mildew and other related diseases.

Price List of Best Fungicides in India

Fungicide Name Price (INR)
Agriventure Tebcon (Tebuconazole 25.9 % Ec) 599
Agriventure Tebsulph (Tebuconazol 10% + Sulphur 65% Wg) 399
Tropical Tagmycin Streptomycin Sulphate 90 + Tetracycline Hydrochloride 10 SP 230
FMC Gezeko Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystobin 25% WG 4575
UPL Cuprofix Copper Sulphate 47.15% + Mancozeb 30% WDG 560
Bayer Nativo Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystrobin 25% WG 1800
Counter Plus Hexaconazole 5% SC Fungicide 410
Crystal Bavistin Carbendazim 50% WP 720
Agriventure Azotebuc (Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% Sc) 799
Tata Rallis Sarthak Methyl 15% + Chlorothalonil 56% 1136
Katyayani Azozole Azoxystrobin 18.2% Difenoconazole 11.4% sc 1506
Tata Rallis Master – Mancozeb 64% WP + Metalaxyl 8% 234

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Treating plants with insecticides and fungicides


This guide highlights the top 15 fungicides available in India, offering effective solutions for plant protection. It emphasizes affordability while ensuring quality, making it easier for buyers to find cost-effective yet efficient options for managing fungal issues in crops and plants.

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