Zone 4 Beauty – Bagicha Bazaar



Today we’re catching up with Matthew Connery, who gardens in north Minneapolis in hardiness zone 4.

Close up of large bluestem flowers with view of rear gardenGrass flowers are wind-pollinated, so they lack the large petals needed to attract insect or bird pollinators. However, they are still beautiful. These large bluestem flowers (Andropogon gerardiiZones 4–9) clearly show pendulous anthers shedding pollen.

Close-up of purple Millennium Allium flowersElim ‘Millennium’ (zones 4-8) is a wonderful perennial, and the bees clearly agree. Here they are busy working flowers for pollen and nectar.

View of the back garden from aboveHere is a view of the back garden from above in summer.

See near the holly flowersC holly (Erryngium Planum, zones 5-9) is a biennial or short-lived perennial. What a cool floral display!

Floral arrangement with blue and green flowersSea holly also looks quite incredible in floral arrangements.

Garden in spring with a tree covered with pink flowers and yellow tulipsWinters in Minnesota are long and cold, but that’s the reward—everything blooms and grows at the same time, with a beautiful crabapple (Malas hybrids, zones 3-8) bloom fully on the left.

Close up of three purple pasque flowersPassover flowers (Pulsitella sp., zones 4-8) bloom in early spring, and the flowers are followed by silky seed heads that are almost as beautiful.

Letters openLiatris (Latrice Spicata, zones 3–8) is a spectacular summer-blooming perennial in the eastern half of North America. Here the distinctive form of magenta is combined with white.

Different flowers bloom in summer.Lettuce growing all over the garden looks wonderful.

The end of crab apple plants in the fallCrabapples are usually planted for their spring flower display, but how about some incredible fall color?

If you want to see more of this garden, check out Matthew’s Instagram: @garcongardener

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