Jim’s Portland Garden – Bagicha Bazaar



Today we are in Portland, Oregon, visiting Jim Rondon’s beautiful garden.

Near white western redbudWhile the more widely planted eastern redbud (Cercis canadensisZones 5–9) native to the eastern half of North America, the western redbud (Circe occidentalis ‘Alba’, zones 6-9; pictured) is a similar species from Utah, Arizona, and Nevada.

A close up of the unique cup-shaped flowerArisema Taiwan (Zones 6-9) A beautiful species native to Taiwan, as the name suggests. Jim found that it needed to be watered regularly during the summer to thrive in Portland’s dry summer climate.

Close up of Yuletide CamelliaCamellia ‘Yuletide’ (Zones 7-10) for gyms starts in November and lasts until March. Jim encourages heavy flowering by pruning ruthlessly in April, which encourages new growth in plenty of time to develop new flower buds for the next flower display.

Close-up of cyclamen leaves of pale purple and white ivyA beautiful cluster of Cyclamen hederifolium (ivy-leaved cyclamen, zones 4-9). This hardy species is slightly trailing, completely dormant in the summer and then blooming in the fall. The leaves you can see starting to emerge here will look beautiful all winter and spring before going dormant again.

Close the gentian flower bottle.The flowers of this bottle are gentian (Gentian Andrews, zones 3–7) remain closed, which saves pollen and nectar for the plant’s preferred pollinators, bumblebees, which are strong enough to pull on the petals to gain access. This species is native to generally moist areas in the eastern half of North America.

View of garden in summer with many grasses and flowersThe Pacific Northwest, including Portland, is often thought of as cold and rainy, but that’s really only true seasonally. It is very dry during summer, with constant rains returning in autumn.

Close-up of discolored, peeling bark on a treeLagerstroemia subcostata var fauriei ‘Fantasy’ (Zones 6-9) is a beautiful crape myrtle. It bears clusters of beautiful white flowers in summer, but the real show is its incredible bark, which grows more beautiful with each passing year.

Purple flower in front of small pink flowersIf you’re only familiar with the common large-flowered hybrid clematis, you’re missing out on some of the most beautiful flowers in this genus. This is the place Clematis Crispa (Zones 6-9), a vine native to the central and southeastern United States with these magically shaped flowers. Here it is beautifully displayed against a soft pink background. Cyanothus × Pallas ‘Mary Simon’ (zones 6-9). This ceanothus is a hybrid of species native to the east and west coasts of North America, giving it extra adaptability and vigor along with these romantic flowers.

Garden in May with many purple flowersBack garden in May

A view of a small fountain and greenery in the gardenApril green in the garden

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