Favorite White Flowers – Bagicha Bazaar



Hi GPODers,

This is your editor Joseph. GPOD submissions are slow at this time of year, with most of us settling in to wait out winter, so I’m taking a moment today to share some of my favorite white flowers.

White flowers are versatile in the garden, go with every other color and look elegant and sophisticated when grown together. And, of course, they’re great for brightening up shady areas and gardens that are mostly seen in low evening light.

Close up of white anemone flowersAnemone Nemorosa ‘Vestal’ (Zones 5-8) is a small shade-loving anemone, spreads slowly by rhizomes and blooms profusely in spring with these beautiful double white flowers.

Mass planting of white trillium flowersWhen it comes to white flowers, it’s hard to beat the great white trillium (Trillium Grandflorum, zones 3–8), which is forested in much of the eastern half of North America. The large white flowers are a popular symbol of spring and thrive happily in a shady garden.

Close up of white peonies with bits of pinkThis peon (Paeonia hybrid, zones 3–8) are not quite pure white, but they are incredibly beautiful. Peonies of any color are stunning, but white is hard to beat.

Mass planting of white daffodilsDaffodils are usually yellow, but I think I like the white forms even better. This variety is ‘Thalia’ (Narcissus ‘Thalia’, Zones 3–8) is pretty hard to beat for vigor, fragrance and loads of beautiful white flowers.

Near the big white moonflowersMoonflower (Ipomoea AlbaZones 10-12 or as an annual) grow and look like an oversized morning glory, but the large, powerfully scented flowers open at dusk to attract insects that pollinate them. . I grew moonflowers on my back deck several years ago, and they made sitting there in the evening magical.

Close-up of white anemone with green centersAnemone Coronary (Zones 7-10 or as a tender bulb) is a great spring-blooming bulb. Blues and reds are amazing, but they look more intense when paired with some pure whites.

Close up of oakleaf hydrangea with white flowersOakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifoliazones 5-9) is native to the southeastern United States and enchants in summer with its large spikes of white flowers.

White crocus growing in a stone potI love crocuses, but so do squirrels, so I grew these white crocuses (Crocs ‘Joan of Arc’, Zones 3-8) in a large pot with a thick layer of sharp edges to discourage their digging.

Close up of large white cosmos flower with yellow centercosmos (Cosmos bipinnatusAnnuals) are one of my favorite annuals. I love the white version of the cupcake variety, which makes these frosted bowls of fused petals.

What are your favorite white flowers? Send them to GPOD! We would love to see.

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