‘Ruh Society’ provides step-by-step training for organic farming. Check out the website to learn more.


Cotton now faces a tough challenge – a significant decline in production
Cotton now faces a tough challenge – a significant decline in production

Cotton cultivation is the cornerstone of India’s agriculture, mainly concentrated in states such as Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana, and has traditionally been profitable. Cotton is also a major part of India’s textile industry, making its declining production a matter of national concern.

However, it now faces a tough challenge – a significant decline in production. Cotton farming in the country today faces multi-faceted challenges, and India being one of the top three producers of cotton in the world, needs to explore the reasons behind this trend and advocate organic farming as a sustainable solution. Required.

Challenges in cotton cultivation in India

One of the biggest challenges facing cotton cultivation is prohibition. High cost of production. Costs related to inputs like pesticides, chemical fertilizers and genetically modified seeds have burdened farmers and reduced their profits significantly. These costs are compounded by the need for constant monitoring and control of pests that have developed resistance to many chemical pesticides.

The difficulties of cotton farmers are increasing. Low yield problem. Despite their investment in expensive inputs, many farmers are not achieving the expected crop yields. This is due to various factors, including soil degradation due to years of chemical-intensive farming, lack of access to quality seeds, and climate-related challenges such as erratic rainfall patterns. Low yields not only cause financial loss to farmers but also perpetuate the cycle of poverty and indebtedness.

Cotton crops are constantly facing the growth of pink bollworm.
Cotton crops are constantly facing the growth of pink bollworm.

Apart from high cost and low yield cotton Crops are constantly being destroyed. Pink bug attack. Despite the promise of new “disruptive” technologies, the magnitude of the problem remains. Controlling pink bollworm infestation is critical to the overall health of the cotton industry.

Benefits of organic cotton cultivation

Organic farming emerges as a sustainable and effective solution to the challenges faced by cotton farmers in India. By adopting organic practices, farmers can reap the following benefits:

  • Reduce their dependence on expensive chemical inputs, thereby reducing production costs.

  • Promote soil health.

  • Reduce water consumption in line with the growing demand for eco-friendly textiles.

Organic cotton cultivation is beneficial not only for the cotton but also for the overall health of the soil and the fields. Through techniques such as crop rotation, organic fertilizers, and beneficial insects, it promotes a balanced ecosystem in cotton fields.

By avoiding chemical inputs, organic cotton cultivation not only reduces costs but also produces cotton free of harmful residues, meeting the growing demand for eco-friendly textiles.

Moreover, it is important to know that organic farming does not only benefit the environment. It is also economically beneficial. Although the initial transition may require effort and investment, organic farming brings more income than chemical farming in the long run. Healthy soils and less dependence on expensive inputs lead to increased yields and improved crop quality, resulting in higher profits for farmers.

Finally, declining cotton production in India poses a significant challenge to the agricultural and textile sectors. Sustainable solutions are indispensable to solve this problem.

By advocating and adopting organic cotton farming, one can revive India’s cotton production, improve farmers’ livelihoods, and contribute to a cleaner and greener environment. It is time to recognize the potential of organic cotton farming as a way to ensure a thriving cotton industry in India, which not only benefits cotton but also the health of our farms and the financial well-being of farmers. It also raises

SOUL Society has come forward to adopt organic farming. Organic farming enthusiasts can join one day organic farming training online or offline at nearby locations.

Visit the website to learn more

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First Published: 21 Sep 2023, 14:31 IST


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